Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A touch of lube

A touch of lube.

It sound somewhat wrong...
but there's something nice about a dab of Petrol Jelly on the lips.

When I'm in the dental chair, my lips get dry.
I feel each tug on the lips more acutely.
And it gets more annoying with each minute.

A touch of lube says I love you in a nonsexual, nonthreatening way.

If you're ever in my chair and I forget the lube,
please let me know.

-Sincerely, Dr. Goodtooth

ps. Dr. Goodtooth receives no endorsement or support from different lube companies. Dr. Goodtooth also does not express any opinion regarding the use of lube, KY jelly, or Vasalene for any other purpose than moisturizing a patient's oral mucosa in the dental chair. Dr. Goodtooth does not endorse misuse or deviant abuse of lube (as it may result in bodily injury and/or discomfort). Please use lube in a responsible manner.

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