Thursday, July 8, 2010

First presentation

As a health care provider, I think that it's important to educate.

As per mom's suggestion, I'll be giving a talk to the neighborhood associate next Friday.
I've tentatively called it, "How to keep your smile."

In actuality, it'll be about keeping one's teeth for a very, very long time.

I'm a bit nervous.
I'm supposed to speak for a full hour.
My audience is ~50-60 years old, and I'm probably younger than most of their kids.
Also, the talk will be translated (thanks to mom).

Anyways, I've been preparing for the past week.
I'll be using some material from Bill Strupp, as well as the ADA, and Rose & Mealey.
I'll also have to find some way to make it fun.

Wish me luck!

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