It's hit the world by storm.
Garlic prices have increased.
Mass hysteria has hit parts of Asia.
But it's just a flu, (albeit a very nasty one).
Here's a tip: clean/replace your toothbrush regularly.
- Your tooth brush is a haven for microbes. It's not sterile.
- When you use the same (unclean) toothbrush, you expose yourself to reinfection.
- Even if you're sick, you're increasing your microbial load through your toothbrush.
- Microwave your toothbrush on high for 10 seconds.
- Dunk your tooth brush in boiling water for 5 minutes.
- Soak your tooth brush in an antimicrobial (Salt water, Listerine, Chlorhexidine).
- Or you can simply buy another toothbrush.
(note: Dr. Goodtooth has no competing interest or stock in any toothbrush manufacturing company. He recommends using whatever toothbrush you feel like, as long as it's comfortable. More on toothbrushes on a later post).
wouldn't my toothbrush melt if it was in boiling water? i guess there's only one way to find out...